This just in from the uncanny holllllllleeeeeeeewooooooood newzlines: Actor Bill Pullman recently was involved in a car accident. Fortunately, the handsome and luxurious actor's face and hands were not injured. Three other people died in the crash, and will regrettably be unable to attend opening day screenings of Pullman's upcoming family drama, "A Tragic Burial", also starring Actor Rose McGowan and Actor Chris "Ludacrous" Bridges.
The number one web destination for thrilling gossip about your fave celebs!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Item! A tragic burial!
This just in from the uncanny holllllllleeeeeeeewooooooood newzlines: Actor Bill Pullman recently was involved in a car accident. Fortunately, the handsome and luxurious actor's face and hands were not injured. Three other people died in the crash, and will regrettably be unable to attend opening day screenings of Pullman's upcoming family drama, "A Tragic Burial", also starring Actor Rose McGowan and Actor Chris "Ludacrous" Bridges.
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Actor Debbie Moore recently broke up with her Famous Husband, Actor Bruxe Willis, over a dispute that the two had at the family thanskgiving's annual TurDuckEn dinner pot-luck post-baseball game meal finale, this year hosted by family restaurant Guarantee's Best Family Values.
The two Super-Actor's have agreed to share custody of their dog named Custody.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Item! THIEF!

Actor Paul Mark Gosselier was spotted eating olives straight out of a jar at a local Lucky supermarket. The actor then closed the lid of the jar and placed it back in the shelf.
If you were the unlucky shopper to purchase a jar of olives from Lucky that is two-three olives short of the olive count listed on the jar of olives, tell us your story. Contact this blog at to report this olive theft.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Gosh Bless Our Celebrated Favorites!!
Actor Dusty Hoffmen! Actor Antonion Saboto Junior! Actor Bing Cosby! They are some of our favorites, and in them of Gosh Almighty, we will celebrate them and their excellent contributions!
Item A! Actor Alexis Bliedel was recently seen driving a motorized scooter around on a dry river bed with three leather jacket-clad teen boys.
Middle Item! Famous Actor Jim Brewer announced that he would be making pesto spaghetti noodles for him and his girlfriend, who is not famous.
Item C! Actor Titus Welliver recently lost a lot of weight. Sources close to the Actor say that his good friend, Actor Marc Pellegrino, found much of that weight, and "then some."
Monday, October 24, 2011
Break Bread with the Box Office Blockbusters!
Who could forget the very first meal ever in Holleeeeewoooood, starring Actor Richard Burton and Actor Elizebeth Taylor?
First Item! Actor Antonio Bourdain was recently cast in the biopic about the life of famous celery farmer Johann Schmidt. He will be starring against Actor Chase Crawford and Actor Maria Bello.
Item #2! Sources close to Actor Bill Pullman say that the famed superstar recently took out an classified ad in an attempt to get rid of a broken lawn mower that has been in his garage for several years.
Item C! Actor Tania Raymonde was spotted cooking vegietables on the stove at her home in Santo Monica.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Dawson's Blitz-creek of Famous Gossip!
Keep the pacey with the alert sirens and head to your Katie Homb Shelter because the following celebrity items are falling from the sky and you don't want to get hit, because then you will be a real Michell Williams.
Item #A! Actor Brian Crayon stepped quickly over the grey tiles in his local Lucky supermarket as he and his friend, Actor Donal Logue played a game in which the tiles in question were "hot lava."
Middle Item! Actor Ron D. Moore was spotted putting money into a parking meter of an adult ponorgraphics video store in Santo Monica.
Item 3! Sources close to Actor Titus Welliver say that he defied his local city board by putting up truly ghoulish and extensive Halloween decorations.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Celebritie Foodies!
Our Celebrity Partners love to eat food, and nowhere do they eat more food in the famous Hollllllleeeeeeeeeewooooooood. Here is some newz about the foods that they eat!
First Item! Actor Ray Davies ordered a $40 hamburger sandwich from the room service at the Balderdish-Beverly hotel and spa in fabulous Beberly Hills. The hamburger, according to the Actor, was only so-so.
Item B! Actor Mary-Kay Olsen was spotted picking the olives out of the mortadella in her italian hero.
Item #3! Actor Marc Pellegrino dotted his french fried potatoes with splashes of ketchup and malt vinegar alternately.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Bilking A Belebrity Billionaire!
Coin operated machines dispense the celebrity gossip, but if an enterprising young entrepreneur put a slug in the machine, the gossip would be free! Lucky for you, that is today's case.
Item Topps! Actor Oregon Pramble ordered eggs in a difficult style at a breakfrist restaurant in Los Feliz. Splattered with gold flakes and ruby pepper, the eggs were guaranteed greased and grained.
Item Cream! Source close to Actor Ryan Goslen say that he buys big bulk at the local Price Club store. Large jars of pickles, olives, and even pickles are packed into the trunk of his SUV and later eaten by members of his family.
Final Item! Actor Titus Welliver was spotted lounging shirtless by a pool at a jacuzzi resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. Many females were seen nearby admiring the Actor's kickin' bod.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Gossip Highway
Hop into the autobus and take a ride down the scenic route to celebrity town. Everybody is here waiting for you!
Itema! Actor Robert Rodriquez sprayed water from his garden hose at a neighborhood dog that has been barking lately.
Middle Item! Actor Patrick Goohan was spotted friending a young attractive girl on internet website MYspace.
Item #3! Actor Titus Welliver recently forgot how to ride a bicycle, despite what his friend Actor Marc Pellegrino had told him only days earlier.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Holllllllleeeeeewooooood Weather Report!
There is a only a fifty percent chance of rain this evening, but there is a 103% of celebrity gossip dropping! Look out for it, and bring your Humbrellas!
Item A! Actor Lauren Graham asked a carnival man to guess her weight at the LA County fair. The guess was exactly seven pounds off, but Graham refused to disclose if that meant seven below her weight or seven above.
Middle Item! Actor Gerald Butler organized a pep rally to show support for a local teenager that is struggling to overcome carpool tunnels disease.
Item #3! Actor Marc Pellegrino was spotted putting files into a filing cabinet in a room near his home.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Formal Invitation to this Gossip Party!
R.S.V.P. (Relatable Superstars Venture Pleasingly (into your life!))
Item #A! Actor Desi Arnaz ordered a chocolate malt with an extra long straw while driving through a Jack In The Box restaurant in his 1985 Honda Civiv.
Middle Item! Sources close to Actor Marie Calendar say that the famous superstar hired a team of workers to chop down a tree in her front yard that had grown to rapidly and had started to block her view of the San Gabriel Valley.
Item 3! Actor Mark Pellegrino was seen opening a can of whoops ass on a team of local men.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sources say that Actor Lian Neesom has been playing the same Fine Young Cannonballs song forty times in a row in his bedroom.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Today's Celebrity Sightings!
Actor Pete Townsend was seen carrying groceries out of a Lucky supermarket.
Billionaire Actor McCauley Culkin was spotted riding in airplane near LAX Airport.
Actor Benicio Del Tarot was seen buying a CD of an unidentified band's greatest hits.
Actor Zach Braff was seen settling out of court.
Actor Nicole Kidmen and Actor Ricardo Montablan were seen canoodling in a jacuzzi at a jacuzzi store on Fairfax Blvd.
Actor Tony Roma was spotted stiffing a valet at a hotel in Beverly Hills.
Actor Marc Pellegrino was seen organizing the papers on his desk.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Notorious N.E.W.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.Z.
It was all a dream/They used to read US Weekly Magazine/With Actor Brendan Fraser and Actor Sarah Jessico Parker-Broderick all up in the limousine!
Item A! Actor Melissa Tomei scored great seats to the upcoming Soundgarden Show. Sources close to the famous movie celebrity say that the she got them by kissing Singer Chris Cornell on the mouth.
Item #2! Actor Brad Garrett was spotted in the cookbook section of his local Crown Booksellers. Hosting a dinner party, Brad?
Last Item! Actor Titus Welliver accidentally opened a can of peas, when he meant to open a can of corn kernels meant for a chili dish that includes corn. The peas were discarded, for a net loss of 89 cents.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Happy Rosh Hash Shanah to the Jewzzzzzz of Hollllllleeeeeeeewoooooood!
Here is the annual list of top jewish Celebrities!
1. Actor Fuyvish Finkel
For all of his great work in many shows and one hour dramas.
2. Actor Leah Michelle
Glee's Gleeading lady, we salute her Hebraic beauty! And such a soulfully voice!
4. Actor Sandra Burnhard
A thinker's brain and a Jewess in spirit, our heart goes out to the family of Jews that built her.
5. Actor Daniel Craigstein
We Bonded over our admiration for your masculine calf muscles!
6. Actor Carrie Underwood
American Idol? More like Israeli Idol! Shalom, baby!
8. Actor Francis Ford Coppola
The true jew's Jew. Pass the pastrami, Francis Ford!
9. Actor Larry Sanders
Marriage material for female jews over 40.
10. Actor Barbara Streisand
Sing it again, and then sing it one more time. This lovely lass sang the best version of the dreidel song ever recorded.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Quizz Boi!
Quiz takers unite for a top delight quiz about Hollllleeeeeeeeeewoooooood's leadingest men?
Yes indeed. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Which dramatic actor in a starring role has just the absolute hunkiest shoulder bones?

Choice A! Actor Brent Spine?

Next Choice! Actor Marlon Brando?

Choice #3! Actor Gene Siskels?

Last Choice! Actor Jar Jar Binks?

One randomly quiz entrant to win one new Hyundai Accord!
Yes indeed. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.
Which dramatic actor in a starring role has just the absolute hunkiest shoulder bones?
Choice A! Actor Brent Spine?
Next Choice! Actor Marlon Brando?
Choice #3! Actor Gene Siskels?
Last Choice! Actor Jar Jar Binks?
One randomly quiz entrant to win one new Hyundai Accord!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Zoo Filled With Celebrity Pets!
All of your favorite stars love animals, and many keep them in the Holllllleeeeeeeeewooooood zoo while they are away filming movies and television shows you love. Actor Ronald Reagans pit bull! Actor Tony Shalhoub's russian blue cat! Even Actor David Lettermen's pet chimp, Sprinkles!
Item #A! Actor Ron Turturro poured green hot sauce all over a burrito he put in his mouth outside of a burrito restaurant in Beverly Hills. The burrito cost $14, served out of a truck, and made by a chef that is on television.
Item 2! Actor Winnona "Knight" Ryder recently received a black eye after bumping her head into parking meter. Sources close to the Actor say that she had dropped several coins while attempting to put them into the meter, and lost track of her spatial perception while bending over to pick up the coins.
Last Item! Actor Anna Torv was spotted drinking beer out of a can on the porch of her house with several other attractive people.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
If Actor Oprah Winfrey Got Swine Flu, It Would Transform into Divine Flu

Swine Flu: Official Selection in Oprah's Disease Club!
Item A! Actor Brian Denehey was seen blinking.
Middle Item! Sources close to Actor Nicole Kidmen say that she turned down a free gift card for that was given to her when she opened a checking account at Chase Bank. When asked why she had refused the promotional incentive, Kidmen explained that she pays a team of people to make make her online purchases, and that she didn't feel like sending the gift card through the official channels that would get it to the right people.
Item C! Actor Titus Welliver recently lost a coin toss with friend Actor Mark Pellegrino, and was forced to pay for both of the their dinners, even though Pellegrino ordered the duck and the caviar appetizer.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Celebrities Idling In Cars on Hollllllllleeeeeeeewwooooood Ave!

Many celebrities that are famous also drive cars. Many of these cars were made in U.S. America, but some of them were made in foreign lands like China, Greece, and Ireland. Let us know what kind of car you drive!
Item A! Actor Alexis Bleidel fell over while trying to tie her shoelaces on a moving walkway at Seattle International Airport.
Item #2! Sources close to Actor Ice Tee say that despite his "tough boy" image, the top superstar is keen on his tomato garden and enjoys fresh tasty tomatoes when they are in season.
Last Item! Actor Marc Pellgrino organized a charity square dance in a barn almost thirty miles away from his Connecticut home.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Celebrities Remember Their Favorite 9-11 Moments!
Do our readers remember the events of 9-11? If you don't, your famous supertars absolutely do. Here is what a few of them did to Remember this memorable day in our recent history!
Actor Marky Mark Wahburg used google to look at a map of a nearby Red Cross Facility.
Actor Gwenyth Paltrow and her husband Actor Thom Yorke appeared on a late night variety show and sang a duet about love.
Actor Michael C. Hall solemnly watched a tumbleweed roll across a dry desert road.
Actor Gerard Butler is non-American (scottish), and forgot to remember. He played golf this morning.
Actor Clint Eastwood put a pink breast cancer ribbon onto his refrigerator with a refrigerator magnet.
Actor Billy Dee Williams did not use coupons at the grocery store, in favor of patriotically putting more money into the local economy.
Actor Seth Rogen dialed 911 after watching a loved one collapse from a heart attack.
Actor Toni Braxton wore a longer dress out to the nightclub at which she had been paid to appear.
After winning a game in his adult football league, Actor James Gandolfini dedicated his key touchdown to bravery.
Actor Jay Mohr didn't get out of bed for the entire day.
Actor Titus Welliver mistakenly thought that today was Labor Day, and cancelled a barbecue that he had planned.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
All Swollen Up With Famous Gossip!
Bigger than a Bee (Arthur) Sting! More fluid filled than Poison Oak(wen Wilson)! Way grosser than a (Laura Flynn) Boil! It's Hollllllllllleeeeeeeeeeewwwooooooooooood Newzzzzzzzzzz!
First Item! Actor Woody Harrelson Ford was spotted calibrating a Geiger counter.
Item #B! Actor Sean Astin lost a bet in which he was forced to swallow a live goldfish. The goldfish's owner? None other than fitness Guru Tony Danza!
Item 3! Source close to Actor Carrie O'Fisher say that the Actor built a tree fort in her backyard that gives her a view of the nude beach that she lives next to.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Fried Celebrity Gossip Goodness!
It tastes way better than steamed Celebrity Gossip Goodness, but is heavier in saturated famous fats.
Item #1! Actor Ron Howards recently harvested the crop of watermelons that he decided to grow in the winter. He started by planting seeds into the ground, then watered them for several months before picking and then eating them.
Middle Item! Actor Billy Corgie was mugged two nights ago in a dark alley. Fortunately, the famous Star of Smashing Pumpkins was only carrying sixteen dollars in his wallet and has no credit cards.
Item C! Actor Joshua Jackson was seen standing in front of a mirror and adjusting his hairdo. An identified source says that he was on his way to a job interview.
Monday, September 5, 2011
What Time Is It (In Holllllleeeeeewooooood)?
About Fuyvish, if you were wondering.
First Item! Actor Shaquill O'Neil recently announced that he was buying a large amount of stock in a company that makes socks for children ages 3-9. "I have children of my own," said the Actor, "and I know how important socks can be to a family."
Item #2! Actor Charles Bronson reportedly bet a sum of $40 on a recent Los Angeles Clippers game. When the team lost to the Phoenix Sunnies, the Actor reportedly threw two twenty dollar bills into the air and stormed out of the room, mumbling under his breath.
Item C! Actor Titus Welliver slathered bees honey all over his pancake breakfast, after making a mistake and thinking that he had grabbed a can of Maple Syrups.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Building a Better Celebrity Blogosphere
Doing our part to make you enjoy your time on the internet!
Item A! Actor Ed Helms was spotted gobbling Xanax in anticipation of meeting his future ex-mother in law.
Middle Item! Sources close to Actor Ryan Phillips say that he has ordered a pizza with an extravagant number of toppings. "I'd never seen so many toppings on a pizza," says one identified source. "He is becoming a naughty pizza boy."
Item #3! Actor Marc Pellegrino was recently organizing a drawer filled with nails and screws. The Actor put all of the screws on one side of the drawer, which was in his garage, and threw all of the nails into a garbage can.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Queuing Up To Watch "Q" Actor John de Lancie
This gossip blog is John de Fancie. We are ready for John de Romancie!
Item A! Actor Ripley Scott dropped his ice cream bar into a puddle outside of the laundromat.
Item #2! Source close to Actor Don Cheadle say that the famous superstar rented a canoe and paddled around the local bay in order to show a young lady a "nice night".
Last Item! Actor Titus Welliver was spotted pushing a shopping cart full of aluminum Squirt cans to a local recycling center. When asked what he was up to, the Talented Man said that he was "just doing his part."
Monday, August 29, 2011
What is Audrina Looking At? ( A Celebrity Quizzzzz)
Actor Audrina Partridge is famous for two things. The first thing is being a great Actor, and the second is looking up in photographs. But what is she staring at? Let us know by taking our celebrity Quizzzzz!
Choice A! A beautiful bird that is flying high in the sky. (E.g. heron, robin, chicken falling off the roof.)
Second Choice! Current weather conditions so as to predict future weather conditions.
Next Choice! Jesus (in Heaven).
Choice 4! The inside of the top of her eyesockets.
After you have made your choice, we will be sure to post the results on this blog at a point in the future. Thanks for your thoughts!
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