We've been meaning to purchase Celebrity Carbon Offsets, but it is difficult to locate Actor Thomas Haydn Church, who is the number one seller of Celebrity Carbon Offsets in Holllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwoooooooooooooooood.
Item #1 Actor Jared Peddelicky was spotted storming out of a 7-11 convenience restaurant after being told by the cashier that they were sold out of Wint-o-green Life Saver Candies.
Item B! Sources close to Actor Edward Northon say that the superstar recently developed a rash while camping with good friends in the Angeles International Forest. The sources go on to suggest that poison ivy may have been involved. (The plant, not the movie.)
Last Item! Actor Titus Welliver recently made too much milkshake in his blender, and invited close friend Actor Marc Pellegrino over to enjoy the overflowing bounty of mint chocolate chip!