If you bet money against his ability to be better than you at pool, you will lose. If you bet money against his ability to entertain you enormously, you will also lose, but you will have won in a different, more important way!
Item #1! Actor Matthew Broaderix and wife, Actor Sally Jessy Raphael, paid a carpenter to install an alcohol bar in their famous rooftop pool, located on the top floor of A Building, New York.
Item B! Actor Swoozie Kurtz enjoyed an African Safari in honor of her 51th birthday. On this trip she saw lions, zebras, monkees, and a gazelle.
Last Item! Actor Billie Piper had difficulty opening an oyster that she had cooked up real nice with garlic butter and chili paste. After struggling with a shucking knife for almost two minutes, she eventually decided that it was not worth the effort and moved on to the next oyster on the plate.