Maps to Celebrated Homes and Celebrated Houses are available at all points in time!
Item #1! Actor Donal Sutherland opened a boutique in Los Feliz specializing in miniature tin replicas of historical liquor bottles. Sutherland's store, which is better described as shelves in the back area in a video game shop, is called "Tinnitus!"
Item B! Actor Barry Pepper was spotted walking a across a field of grass that was clearly marked with a sign that said "keep off grass". Park officials speculate that the popular actor may have cost the City upwards of $4.21 in recently planted grass seeds.
Last Item! Actor Jamie Lynn Curtiss recently announced that she would be purchasing an expensive gold locket from famous Jeweler Tiffany. The Actor went on to say that she would be putting a picture of her dog Sandy in the locket, and then putting the locket around the neck of Carlo, her other dog.