Celebrities in Hollllleeeeeeeewoooooooood operate on an enormous scale, so much so that it can be hard to keep track of their goings, be they on or off. Hopefully the following newzzzzzz items can help you keep track!
Item A! Actor John E. Depp recently cooked up a tasty asparagus and bacon casserole for him and a few close friends, including Actor Will Sasso.
Middle Item! Actor Catherine Xenu Jones broke the lid of her toilet seat while performing a particularly thorough cleaning of the bathroom in her condo in Sherman Oaks. According to an identified source, the Actor is currently shopping for a good deal on replacements at the website of Hardware Store Home Depot.
Item #3! Actor Marc Pellegrino has taken up making jerky as a hobby. Reports suggest that he has already prepared beef, venison and salmon varieties, and is currently working on a recipe that will utilize Buffalo Meats.