Where else can you buy an off-brand mp3 player from a man who played a bit role as Actor Kirk Cameron's friend in an episode of Family Ties? Where else can you take a photograph with Actor Jonathan Frakes dressed in a full Spiderman costume outside of a Chinese Movie Theater? Only in Holllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeewoooooooooooooood. The following is some gossip from that fabulous town.
Item A! Actor Crispix Glover recently took a walking tour of the Hearst Castle while driving a motor home from Los Angeles to San Francisco. He reportedly had very good things to say about the tiling in one of the indoor pools.
Middle Item! According to sources close to Actor Demi "Dreamy" Moore, she has been working out at a gym in the same clothes for almost three days.
Item 3! Actor Tony Danzig spoke at a conference of Medical Students about his charity efforts battling chronic foot order in active teens.