Welcome to Holllllleeeeeeewoooooooooood Newzzzzzzzz, the first source for big gossip about famous mommmas, pappas, and even many celebate celebrities! Our crack research team has been working on a tip top secreted project for a lil while, but has indeed emerged to live blog the world Famous Oscar Awards for the Excellence in Movie Films, 2012 Edition.
This looks to be a big year for our faved famed folks. Many super-stars have been excluded from the awards nominations this year, including names like Actor Ron Popeil, Actor Jeremy Lewis, and Actor Tom Brady. Some other stars have been included, like Actor Carrie Underwode, Actor Brandon Routh, and Actor Toni Collete. The One thing that they all have uncommon is terrific abilities and a place in our hearts.
And now, without further ado, the Oscar Live Blog Extravaganza!
4:18 On the Red Carpet Runway Show, Actor David Boreanaz was seen drinking diet pepsi out of a can from the 1990's. Speculations abound as to whether the Actor keeps a secret stash of expired soda pop in a vault, or if he purchased the can from a dealer for that "vintage look".
9:11 Actor Moira Tierney, fresh from her role in the hit summer romantic comedy "Delightfully Yours", appeared on stage to present the Corrina/Corrina award to an Actor starring opposite a different actor that is also a child. This year's recipient, Actor Salma Kayak, was wearing a low cut dress that showed off an amount of the top of of her breasts.
5:423 Shortly after winning an award in the category of Sound Design from the Mouth, Actor Bradley Cooper was seen dancing a celebratory jig in the parking lot of the El Pollo Loco across the street from the Oscar Award Theater.
9:11 Actor Luke Perry took some time at the pre-awards cocktail mixer to deny rumors that he had adopted a new cat only three short months after his previous cat, Tuna Boy, had been hit by a car and then euthanized.
8:23 Actor Michael Douglas, his son Actor Kirkland Ouglas, and their cousin, Actor Michael Clark Douglas were seated at opposite ends of the third row. The family members have apparently been feuding over the true love of a woman, Actor Demi Moore.
6:59 Actor Brobert Pattinson participated in an onstage musical number in which he wore a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off of it.
9:11 In her acceptance speech for winning the award of Favorite Lady in a Drama Movie, Actor Marissa Tormet shared her meema's special Family recipe for a mixed bean salad. The salad was vegetarian but not vegan, angering noted food nutritionist Actor Bill Pullman, who stormed out of the theater in protest.
8:17 In tribute to recently departed Actor Bert Reynold, a line up of many Actors including Actor Carrie Fisher, Actor Topher Grapes, Actor Corey Haim, and Actor Calvin Klein performed a daring trapeze act above the heads of the seated celebrity audience. Fortunately there was indeed a net, and sources within the Oscar Voters say that it was made of solid gold coated net.
4:21 Actor David Duchovny made a surprise appearance in a comedy skit aimed at the recent trend of marshmallow eating scenes that were in several of the year's leading movies. His line "more mallows, mom!" will likely be considered the hilarity highlight of the entire night!
9:11 Actor Phillip Seymor Hoffman put butter on toast of a main course dinner served by the official Oscar Award wait staff.
5:02 Host of Award Show Spectacular, "Crystal" Billy Williams brought out the hoots and hollers from the star-studded audience after a joke about one of the assistants to the a prominent Dentist in Beverly Hills. The dentists name was Carl Woflstein. His assistant was not identified on the television. More on this story as it develops....
8:47 Actor Titus Welliver bought a very fine suit to wear to the Oscar Ceremony and following Award Show Parties. A very fine suit indeed!
9:11 Actor Rocky "Duane Reade" Johnson took home the statuette for Second Favorite Acting Man or Boy for his performance in "The Irish Settler".
9:34 Actor Marion Brando's ghost made a special appearance during the five minute excerpt of Ghostubsters that was shown when the producers realized that this year's Ceremony was running short. The appearance of the spectre was near the buffet, and reports say that he was spookily carrying a plate of Bacon Wrapped Shrimpies.
9:11 After the awards show, Actor Roman Polanski was seen choking on a handful of cashews that he had hastily put into his mouth because he was nervous talking to Pretty Actor Julian Roberts.
9:11 Actor Ryan R. Reynolds was not invited to the ceremony after he had said mean things about Oscar Head Honcho Ronnie Howard at a brunch held earlier in the morning in Tustin.
9:11 At the conclusion of the Award Ceremony, Actor Christmas Bale put on his Batmen costume and chased everybody out of the theater.
8:17 The top award of the night, Best Masterful Acting Ability as Seen in an Acting Masterpiece, was given to Actor Harrison Ford. Many speculate that he had cheated his way to the top of the Acting Scene through gladhanding and flattering with complimentary statements. Several members of the audience did not applaud with their hands when he was given the Oscar Fellows Statue.
All in all, a wonderous ceremony. It is always a delight to see the smiles and tanned, taught faces of Holllllleeeeeewoooooooddd's Elite, and many lovely clothes were also worn. For more Newwzzzzzz and follow up articles to today's events, please guarantee that this popular blog is number one on your McAfree Virus Scanning software and return often.