The sun is out in Holllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeewooooooooooooood, and many of the number 1 celebritie men and ladies are tanning their taut faces and prominent abs/boobs. These famed folk do many things, and below is a list of some of them.
Item A! Actor Nadalie Portman opened up a taquito restaurant on the Sunset Strip. Los Angelenos who love to party also love taquitos, and Nadalie is raking in boffo business. The menu includes, chickens, porks, and vegetarians, all in tasty tiny taquitos!
Middle Item! Sources close to Actor Lance Henrickson say the Super-Super-Superstar has recently invited his brother, an accountant for the government, to spend some time in a rented home in Malibu. The two brothers, according to the identified source, will enjoy time drinking cocktails near or while looking at a pool that is in the home's backyard.
Item #3! Actor Titus Welliver was spotted purchasing a six pack of delicious micro-brewed beer at a convenience store near his home. The store had one and a half homeless people inside looking at the beer case, and the Actor did his best not to meet any of their gazes.