These people, they just do such the amazingness. These, our famous Hollllllllleeeeeeeeewoooooooood celebs!
Item A! Actor Thomas Haydn Churches was spotted munching on many chicken bones during some downtime on the Santo Manico Pier! The Actor ordered a half rotisserie chicken from a local chicken merchant, and doused his poultry with poutine style gravy and dashes of salt and black pepper.
Item #2! Actor Taro Reid recently divulged her insistence on playing a violin concert at a local unnamed venue. The Actor has been studying her sheet music extra hard, and is confident that she can impress her many naysayers.
Last Item! Sources close to Actor Titus Welliver say the top superstar bought four boxes of whole wheat crackers, and, along with a wedge of munchaygo cheeesies, finished the complete collection in less than one weekend. Mammma Mia!