Pass your hours with some fresh items from tinseltown, only seconds away from passing into your pupils and shimmering brightly inside your brain.
Item #1 Actor James "Bowlin'" Brolin was spotted opening a can of kidney beans at a grocery store. After being addressed by the store's assistant manager, the Superstar Actor explained that he was nearsighted and could only determine the size of the kidney beans by touch. Brolin did in fact pay for the can of kidney beans that he opened, and left a reasonable tip for the bag boy.
Item B! Actor Brittany Murphy recently arranged a Special Day Bridal Shower for her non-famous friend at celebrity hot spot Ducard's in Culver City. The restaurant is near Los Angeles's 405 freeway, and only minutes from the International Airport.
Last Item! Source close to Actor Anna Torv say that the Screen Diva has currently recording a Brit-Pop album. Look for the single, along with a video featuring Torv and her band in turtlenecks, to appear soon!