Wot Wot and Talleeeeho to gossip lovers! Today, in honor of a particular ceremony, Holleeeeeeewoooooddd Newzzzzzz abandon's the sunny shores of Southern California in favor of covering the world's very first Celebrities, the English Royal Party Family and their Fancy Wedding Spectacular! Follow along with your website simulcast viewing program as we blog along, live, with a Royal Weddding!
4:12 Actor Victorio Beckham and her husband, Actor Bendit Beckham arrived at the ceremony in a horse drawn carriage. Vicotorio refused to tip the driver of the carriage after he failed to recognize the Famous Celebrity Couple.
5:39 In an attempt to make the ceremony "less gay," the royal family hired Actor Jason Statham to drive by the event on an American Motorcycle.
3:42 Actor/Performer Celine Dion choked on a piece of Royal Wedding Cake.
6:17 Celebrity Chef Actor Emerile LeGassie was hired by the Royal Couple to kick the appetizers up a few notches. Legassie added his famed "Cajun Can-Do" to appetizing appetizers like hot dogs in a pastry, fried flounder fillets, English Style Chow Fun Noodles, and beer soaked pieces of white bread.
6:16 Actor Anderson Cooper purchased a collectable dessert bowl imprinted with the face of the Royal Couple at a stand near the Royal Ceremony. Cooper reportedly plans to bring the bowl back to American United States as a souvenir gift for his friend Actor Katy Perry.
4:02 Despite having accents that make them sound smart, thousands of English People stood outside on a street on a cold morning to see the Royal Wedding Procession.
5:56 After attending the Royal Ceremonies, Actor Jeff Daniels walked past a Police Call Box on a London Street, and made a TARDIS related joke about going back in time to see the Royal Ceremonies for a second time.
6:27 Actor Dougray Scott was not invited to the wedding ceremony. Sources close to the actor say that he was "asleep at his home" when the ceremony took place.
4:11 Sir Actor Elton John was spotted performing a jig on the steps of the Famous Church in which Royal People get married.
6:43 Actor Titus Welliver presented a check, on behalf of the American Actors Association, to the Royal Newlyweds in order to help them cover the costs of their extravagant honeymoon vacation.
5:71 Actor David Duchovny was caught snickering during the Royal Vows and was asked by a Buckingham Guard to leave the ceremony.
3:01 Actor Michael Caine, one of the Royal Family's Honored Guests, mistakenly showed up to a small church in Sussex, assuming that the hubub in London was a decoy wedding.
4:39 Actor/Singer Kylie Minogue was barred entrance to the event after it was realized that she had coincidentally worn the same dress as the Royal Bride.
3:14 Because she is more than two feet shorter than him and generally difficult to spot, Actor David Boreanaz tripped over the Royal Queen and fell onto his face. Fortunately, neither party was injured, and the two had a good laugh about the incident later during the ceremony.
3:11 Actor William Smith was involved with a pool party, and was unavailable to comment on the Royal Nuptuals.