A little sunshine from the face of Smiling Songstress Gywenth Paltrow is all that is needed to help your most measley tomato plants grow into tasty pre-ketchuped morsels.
First Item! Actor Kate Blanchette reported earnings of over twelve thousand dollars on her recent tax filings. A closer inspection of her financial documents revealed that it was actually over twelve thousand dollars of earrings.
Item B! Actor Wilson Smith was seen ordering a pho noodle soup from a Vietnamese restaurant by an identified source. The source went on to say that the Actor refused an offer of Sriracha hot sauce and sliced jalapeno peppers, suggesting that the Superstar is, in the words of the source, a "mega wuss."
Item #3! According to circulating rumors, Actor Titus Welliver opened a free checking account at a Chase Bank in Eagle Rock, after hearing a good review of the bank's services from Actor Jodie Foster.