Thursday, July 7, 2011

Recommended By Three out of Four Acting Actors!

That's right, this blog has your daily dosage of newzzzzzz, Holllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeewoooooooood, and Hollllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeewwwwoooooooooooddddd Newzzzzzz. Start chowing down on the following celebrated stories!

Item #1! Actor Dolph Lundgren was seen bending over to ties his shoe in front of Ladies Department Store.

Middle Item! According to close sources, Actor Lady Gaga rented a small automobile trailer and used it to help her move from an expensive house to an even expensiver house.

Item C! Actor Marc Pellegrino recently at a hamburger sandwich that contained more than three different types of pickles (dill pickle slice, bread and butter pickle slices, pickle relish, and more?).