Wake up and smell the celebrated items from the bestest City in the Westest! (Holleeewoood!) These items will go down great with french vanilla flavored coffee and low fat croissant!
First Item! Actor Beau Bridges checked himself into an unidentified rehab center to deal with his addiction to pain killer "Tylenol". His medical team has scheduled a press conference to address the issue tomorrow morning. More on this story as it develops...
Item #B! Superstar/Actor David Boreanaz was carrying a white trash bag filled with old clothes to his local charity thrift store, located in Beverly Hills! Sometimes, it takes a big heart to pump talented blood through a handsome body!
Item 3! Actor Ron Howard celebrated Hannukah by lighting a candled menorah with Jewish Actor Leonard Nimoy. The two sang Hebrew prayers before exchanging gifts. Howard gave Nimoy a "Chia Pet" shaped like Shrek, from the Shrek film series.