Can you believe all these celebrities in this town? It's hard to walk into a public library without seeing somebody famous doing something embarrassing in one of those desolate aisles of books! At least they're reading!
Item 1! At the recent American Popular Arts and Entertainment Award Show (aka the Natashas), an award for Best Onscreen Wink was given to category winner Actor Seth Rogan. Unfortunately, he was unable to accept the trophy because he was visiting his girlfriend in Canada. In his place, Actor Seth Green accepted the award, and while standing at the podium, Green imitated Rogan's trademark "How you doin'?" catch phrase to the delight of the audience. The moment was captured by the many studio cameras focused on the stage, and broadcast to hundreds of American viewers.
Item B! According to close friends, Actor Reeses Witherspoon gave birth to a healthy baby boy, her second this year. While in the hospital, she decided with Hubby Ryan Phillips that the boy's name would be Austin, after the city she had planned to spend her summer vacation in before realizing that she was pregnant.
Item 3! Actor Titus Welliver offered to prepare Actor Mark Pellegrino a breakfast of waffles with butter and syrup. Upon realizing that his wife had taken the waffle iron with her in the divorce, Welliver quickly decided to make pancakes so that the batter he had already prepared did not go to waste. Inside sources say that Pellegrino was not upset at the unannounced switch, and was simply happy that his friend made the effort to cook.