Holleeewooood Newzz readers have no doubt been counting the seconds since the last hot burst of projectile gossip. Thankfully, the trains will be on schedule, and so will news about the exciting lives of the sensational stars and starettes!
Item A! Preacher Harold Parsons gave a sermon at his church, the 2nd Methodist Church of San Pedro, criticizing the off-camera behavior of Actor Matt Damon, who reportedly did not tip a pizza delivery boy from Pizza Chain Papa Johns. Parsons said that it was positively unChristian of the actor to ask additional services of the worker without adequate compensation, referring to the fact that the delivery boy was carrying a pizza "heavy on the meats".
Item 2! Actor Edward James Olmos was spotted lying on his back in a grassy meadow, identifying shapes in the clouds above him with his friend, Actor Tom Sizemore.
Item Finale! Sources say that Actor Robert Dennys, Jr. will reprise his "Iron Man" role in an upcoming documentary about the creation of the National Parks Service. More on this story as it develops....