Gossip alert! This new news is newer than the new world on Thanksgiving Day. Incredible stories up ahead, with an emphasis on edible!
First Item- Actor Renee Zelwigger spent forty five minutes last Thursday attempting to recover a drivers license that slipped out of her purse and fell into a sewer grate. She waved a long twig with chewed gum on the end through the metal bars in order to snag the dropped card, but only picked up bottle caps and a the bottom half of a discarded love note. Inside sources say that she used cotton candy flavored Bubblelicious.
Item B- Actor Bobby Flay prepared a celebrity dinner out of the back room of barbecue restaurant "Geordie LaForge", the restaurant opened by and named after the actor that portrayed Geordi LaForge on televisions Star Quest.
Item 3- At a recent, impromptu Q+A session held in the waiting room of a Jiffy Lube, Actor Mark Pellegrino admitted that, as a third grader, he did not receive a valentine card from the girl on whom he had a big crush. Did this emotional rejection drive the Actor into the Acting business? We'll bring you the answer as this story develops....